Network Up

Did You Know? 80% of jobs are filled through networking.

Developing a strong network is key to accessing the "hidden" job market.

Network Up© is a short-term mentoring opportunity offered by Britepaths and the Financial Empowerment Center at South County that pairs under- or unemployed adults in Northern Virginia with a mentor who is a professional in their mentee’s desired job sector. The mentor and mentee traditionally meet in person two to five times for conversations using a virtual chat platform to foster rapport.

During these meetings, the mentor and mentee engage in career conversations focused on issues commonly faced by individuals attempting to enter or re-enter the job market, such as professional networking; job interviewing; and career planning.

Network Up is NOT a job placement program. Rather, the goal is to increase a mentee’s professional network.

Are You Eligible to be a Network Up Mentee?

Do you have…?

  • Specific career goals and/or desired job sector identified
  • A minimum of high school diploma or GED
  • Basic computer skills, reliable Internet access and a professional-looking email address
  • A professional demeanor and positive attitude

Are You Eligible to Be a Network Up Mentor?

Are you…?

  • An established professional living in the Northern Virginia area
  • Looking for an opportunity to become involved in your community that doesn’t require a long-term time commitment
  • Interested in helping people develop their professional goals and networking connections
  • Willing to use your expertise and knowledge to help someone advance their career

Network Up mentoring is being conducted virtually until further notice.

Learn More

  • Receive Mentoring Support: To get started, schedule your free, virtual 1:1 Workforce Development appointment today: Click Here
  • Be a Mentor: Click Here to complete an interest form


Sally Meyer at 703.704.6101 or contact us online