Donate to our Emergency Pantry

Help Our Neighbors in Crisis!

Local families and individuals who are referred to Britepaths for emergency food support are experiencing a short-term financial crisis. Your donations will help them stay in their homes and feed their children while they recover. We provide them with a grocery store gift card so they can purchase fresh, nourishing foods that meet their family's dietary needs. We supplement the gift cards with personal hygiene and household items that can be expensive to purchase so they can focus their gift card funds on food. We have an ongoing need in our pantry for hygiene and household essentials. See list and drop-off information below.

More Ways to Help:

  • Donate Funds to help us purchase grocery gift cards at a bulk discount. Type "Food Bridge" in the donor comments to help us provide grocery cards to our families. Or mail a check made payable to "Britepaths" to Britepaths, 3959 Pender Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. Write "Food Bridge" in the memo line. Donation Form (MS Word) (PDF)
  • Donate Via Our Amazon Wish List: Click Here to donate supplies via Amazon that will be sent directly to our office. Note that Amazon does not give us your contact information, so please include it in your order notes so that we can thank you!
  • Service Projects
    Run a Pantry/Gift Card Drive:
    Click Here for information on running a donation drive in your neighborhood/company/organization or at a local grocery store to collect pantry supplies and/or grocery store gift cards. Great Group/Youth Service Project!
    Create Food4Thought Packs:
    Click Here for information on creating Food4Thought weekend food packs to help feed students at our Fairfax County Public Schools partner schools.
  • Run a Virtual Campaign: Create a personalized fundraising page that is easy to customize and fun to use. Share the link widely with your personal network. The setup takes 2 minutes, and ALL funds raised will feed families in need if you tell us that's the purpose. Click Here to get started.

Donate to Our Pantry

Our address: 3959 Pender Drive, Suite 200, Fairfax, VA 22030; Phone: 703.273.8829

Our pantry is in our office in Fairfax near Rte. 50/66. We accept donations during our regular office hours, 10a-2p, Mon. through Fri. We are closed on most major Fairfax County/Federal holidays.

It is important to notify us in advance so we can be sure that someone will be in the office. We will meet you in the parking lot to collect your donation. Phone 703.273.8829 or email to coordinate the time and date of your delivery.

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot use items that have been opened or repackaged. Personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies should be in regular sized packages to be easily distributed for a household. For hygiene donations, full-sized (versus sample-sized) are preferred. We also have an ongoing need for Reusable Grocery Bags

Greatest Needs

  • Laundry detergent
  • Toilet paper
  • Shampoo/Conditioner/2-in-1/Shampoo for textured hair
  • Deodorant
  • Body wash
  • Feminine hygiene products (pads/tampons)

On-Going Needs

  • Dental hygiene: Toothpaste, toothbrushes (preferably one per package), floss, mouthwash
  • Bar soap
  • Razors
  • Sponges
  • Paper towels
  • Diapers (all sizes)
  • Diaper wipes
  • Cleaning spray (such as Lysol or Fabulosos)
  • Dish soap