We Stand Together

June 9, 2020: Britepaths’ Staff and Board of Directors stand together in shared pain, we strive together for a brighter tomorrow. For everyone.
Update: June 19, 2020: From all of us at Britepaths to all of you, we wish you a reflective, connecting, celebratory Juneteenth.
Today marks the 155th Anniversary of the celebration known as Juneteenth. For African-American communities across the nation, this day has long been recognized as an occasion to reflect, connect and celebrate. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to take time to research the circumstances and history behind the origins of the Juneteenth observance. We found today’s Google art and resources to be engaging and enlightening.
We invite you to join us today in reflecting on the connection between the historical importance of this day for some, also known as Freedom Day, and the truth and relevancy it now holds for us all. We, like the formerly enslaved men and women who learned of their emancipation years ago, are at a sudden, complicated, hopeful crossroads. On this day, 155 years ago, a simple but profound set of truths was revealed for all of us: the past has been hard, and the way forward is not clear, but we’ve been given the opportunity to choose our own paths.
At Britepaths, we understand that each of us has a unique role to play in creating real, lasting change. This is true for us professionally, and personally. We don’t know how long it will take, nor all the ways in which we’ll be called on to empathize, reconcile, learn, and grow. The recent, terrible unmasking of deep racial injustices still alive in our country show us we have a long way to go. But we are committed to that journey. We hope that you are as well.
We are in this together, so on this day we also encourage you to honor and nurture meaningful connections. Start with your loved ones.
And we invite you to celebrate the possibility that this moment in time holds for our community, nation, and world.