5 Tips to Help You Ace a Job Interview

Hearing that you’ve scored a job interview can be one of the most gratifying things in the world. However, this also means that you’ll have to face the big interview.
This is usually the last thing standing between you and a new job, and it’s important that you ace every aspect of it. If you’re lost when it comes to the dos and don’ts of a job interview, here are five tips to help you make a good impression.
Prepare and practice your answers
Interviewers greatly vary in their style when vetting prospective employees, but there are a couple of questions that seem to get asked the most. Other than finding out if you’re a perfect fit for the job and company, interviewers often ask questions to learn more about your background, work ethic, and personality.
So, it is very important to prepare and rehearse answers for common job interview questions like ‘What is your greatest weakness?’ or ‘Tell me a little bit about yourself.’ Furthermore, Inc. points out that the goal of an interview is to assess you beyond your resume, so don’t hesitate to explain honestly and intuitively when asked unexpected or uncomfortable questions.
Know your prospective employer
One way to articulate your answers in a job interview is to thoroughly research the company that you’re applying to. This allows you to tweak your answers to align with the company’s values and goals. Aside from that, being knowledgeable about your prospective employer gives you the power to bargain when it comes to your salary or work contract. So before you meet with your interviewer, take a look at your prospective employer’s LinkedIn or Glassdoor pages, as well as any news that involves the company.
Dress for the part
Annika Palmari via Unsplash.com
It’s crucial that you make a good first impression in your interview. First impressions can make or break your job interview, and one way of making an excellent first impression is dressing appropriately and professionally – even if you’re meeting virtually. Moreover, psychology researchers from Columbia and California State Universities note that formal clothing enhances abstract cognitive processing, helping you formulate better answers when you’re in the interview hot seat. You can never be fully sure of a company’s dress code, so you might want to call and inquire about your prospective company’s dress code.
Let them know that you’re a team player
No one works solo in the office, and most managers now highlight the need for synergy and collaboration to reach company goals. In fact, Maryville University stresses that collaboration is a very important component to success for organizations. This is why it’s crucial for you to emphasize being a team player during your interview. You can do this by underscoring your willingness to work together with a team while citing examples of how you’ve helped a company achieve their goals through active collaboration in the past.
Don’t forget to relax
Sydney Rae via Unsplash.com
Most importantly, you should learn to relax before your interview. A study from Everest College reports that 92% of American adults are anxious during a job interview, and though this is completely understandable, it may prevent you from doing your best. So if you’re feeling a little jittery, take some deep breaths and assure yourself that you’ve prepared enough to ace your interview.
All of these variables can help you win over your interviewer. . . But if you need some extra help preparing to interview, or even getting to the point of landing interviews, Britepaths’ Network Up program may be able to help.
Connect with Network Up
Network Up is a short-term mentoring opportunity in the Fairfax County area that pairs under- or un-employed women and men with a mentor who is a professional in their mentee’s desired job sector. The mentor and mentee meet two to five times over a two-month period in a casual environment that fosters rapport. During these meetings, the mentor and mentee engage in career conversations focused on issues commonly faced by individuals attempting to enter or re-enter the job market, such as professional networking; job interviewing; and career planning. It is not a job placement program, but offers vital assistance in expanding participants’ professional network.
Mentoring is available virtually while social distancing measures are in place. To learn more and get started, visit britepaths.org/NetworkUp.
Article contributed by Chelsea Ferris
Exclusively for britepaths.org
Opening Photo Credit: Christina Wocintechchat via Unsplash.com